Non Medical support for heart patients and carers

Redditch Hale and Hearties Heart Support Group
Redditch Hale and Hearties Heart Support Group
Redditch Hale and Hearties History
Redditch Hale and Hearties was established around May 1997 as a heart support group (The original name was Redditch Hale and Hearties Coronary Support Group), providing phase 4 exercise classes.
Exercise phases:
Phase 1 (Acute) is in hospital shortly after your cardiac event;
Phase 2 (sub acute) Hospital outpatient rehab, first few weeks;
Phase 3 (Intensive out patient therapy) the latter stage of your hospital rehab program;
Phase 4 (Independent Ongoing Conditioning) Joining a club which offers a heart patient centred exercise program.
The initial exercise venue was at the Oakenshaw centre in Redditch (Friday afternoon session).
Another venue was opened in Redditch at Easemore house, This building became unavailable to us after many years.
Another venue in Redditch was found for our Wednesday evening classes at St John the Evangelist Church Hall, Greenlands Ave, Greenlands, Redditch B98 7PZ.
Bromsgrove scout hut on the Kidderminster road is used for a Friday morning exercise session.