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Redditch Hale and Hearties Heart  Support Group

News and Events 2021



      Please note the Wednesday evening class due to take place on the 22nd of              December has  been cancelled due to the spreading coronavirus.​



It is with great sadness that we have to report the passing of Alan Parry.

Alan was a popular member of our Wednesday evening class at Easemore Road in Redditch.

He was well known for leading the carol singing at our Christmas membership meeting and always performed the role with great gusto and precision.

Alan was very easy to talk to and gave good advice to members of the class

as and when he was asked. He will be sadly missed.



Please note: The last Easemore road exercise class prior to Christmas is on the       22nd of December not the 23rd as stated in the original newsletter.


December 2021 Newsletter


What a year!  It was so lovely to start back to class in September after a 17½ month gap.  A huge thanks goes to our Instructors who gently eased us back into exercising.  It is also nice to finally be back to the longer classes now that we know how the numbers at each class are panning out.


The classes are currently:


Easemore Road  6.50 pm – 7.35 pm and 7.45 pm – 8.30 pm (Wednesday)


Bromsgrove - 9.00 am – 9.55 am and 10.15am – 11.10 am (Friday am)


Oakenshaw  - 12.30 pm – 1.20 pm and 1.30 pm – 2.20 pm (​Friday pm)


We would like to welcome Helen Lewis to our Instructor team.  Helen has already been thrown in at the deep end with classes at Oakenshaw and Easemore Road and we look forward to welcoming her to Bromsgrove in 2022.


Sadly, none of the Group Meetings have taken place.  That is because of a concern about having a large number of people at Easemore Road with little ventilation. 


For 2022 we have provisional dates for Group Meetings of Wednesday 13th April, 8th June, 10th August, 12th October and 7th December.  We will make a decision on whether these go ahead much nearer the time.  Fingers crossed …..


The Annual Dinner which is normally held in February has also been pushed back to later in the year.  Although the Golf Club room is large, it will be nice if we could hold it in the warmer weather and lighter evenings.


The final classes in 2021 (Christmas outfits welcome) are:


Bromsgrove and Oakenshaw – Friday 17th December

Easemore Road – Wednesday 22nd December


We will be returning to Easemore Road on Wednesday 5th January and Bromsgrove and Oakenshaw on Friday 7th January with class fees at £4.00. 


Covid precautions will still be in place – masks to point of exercise, hand sanitiser, cleaning any equipment used as well as the premises on exit (light switches/door handles etc.).


As the year draws to a close, we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in 2022 and wish you all a happy, safe and  peaceful Christmas.




    All Meeting dates for 2021 are now cancelled.


    The February 2022 Dinner has been postponed. 


Proposed meeting dates for 2022 are: April 13th, June 8th, August 10th, Oct 12th (AGM)  and December 7th (Christmas).



Dear Bromsgrove members.


As you are aware, when we returned to class on 3rd September the Committee were concerned about the number of people attending each class so that we felt Covid safe and that some of us hadn't exercised for a while.  For that reason we decided to reduce the time and cost of all Hale & Hearties classes to 40-minutes and £3 along with a new exercise programme.


At Bromsgrove Scout Hut the most number of people we wanted in each class was 20.  The past 8 weeks has given us an idea of how this is working and we are now pleased to be able to make some changes to something more like the old classes.  From Friday 12th November the class times, length and cost will change.


Friday 12th November - 9.00am to 9.55am and 10.15 to 11.10am - £4.00


That said we won't be using all of the equipment so there are still some changes in place to the way we exercise.


 If you are not sure what class you should attend then please get in touch.  For the next 2 weeks we will continue with the 3 classes at 8.55, 9.45 and 10.35.


Covid precautions remain.  These are, Face Coverings to be worn from entering the building to the start of exercise class beginning, hand sanitiser is available for after you have signed in or touched any equipment. Any equipment used will be wiped down prior to the next person using it. 

Before we leave the building the door handles, light switches and any touch-points will be sanitised. 


We know that some Members feel vulnerable in this enclosed type of setting and we want to do all we can to keep people safe.  It would be devastating if Covid were to spread because of one of our classes.



From H&H September newsletter.


We were thrilled to send a cheque for £1000 to the British heart foundation. This was made up of donations for Jane's exercise DVD and a top up of £550 from H&H. 


We also arranged for two names to be added to the BHF 'Heart of Steel' in memory of Brian Wattison and Bob Bradley; as well as a donation in memory of Ken Dalby.


We hope you are enjoying the new 40-minute classes. The primary purpose was to reduce the number of people in our venues at any one time. We are aiming for a maximum of 16-20 in any one class.


The class times are currently:


     Easemore road (Weds)                     Bromsgrove (Fri)                 Oakenshaw (Fri)


        6.50 pm - 7.40 pm                        8.55 am - 935 am              12.45 pm - 1 .25 pm

        7.50 pm - 8.30 pm                        9.45 am - 10.25 am              1.50 pm - 2.30 pm

                                                              10.35 am - 11.15 am   


GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)


   H&H   will soon be undertaking an exercise to confirm that the data held on members is correct          and up to date.  This is required to conform with GDPR rules. 




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