Non Medical support for heart patients and carers

Redditch Hale and Hearties Heart Support Group
Left click above images to expand.
Please see the events page for latest information
You are not alone
We are here to provide support for people who have a
heart condition, support is available for both patient and
their partner or carer.
Membership of the support group is free, however
there is a £3 cost to attend the bi-monthly meetings,
with Tea or Coffee and cake provided.
These web pages will give you an insight of
who we are, what we do, and when we do it.
If you cannot find the information you are looking
for on the website, regarding the club,
please contact:
Via Email : haleandhearties@yahoo.com
Or any committee member
(see committee member page on this website)
Site last updated 30/01/2025​